Phase 2

Under phase two of the project which is expected to kick off in April 2020, we will install home lighting system and provide solar lanterns in the village. These systems will provide solar-powered electricity and allow the village to power various electrical appliances.

As part of our long-term commitment to the Amboseli village and wider community, we will create a social enterprise to educate and develop entrepreneurial skills with the women and young people in the village.  We aim to develop their understanding of solar technology and create social empowerment by providing them with an opportunity to generate income from the sale of low-cost lanterns to other communities. 

In conjunction to the main goals of bringing solar energy and empowering women and the community as a whole through social enterprises opportunities, we hope to initiate discussions, bring awareness and create educational opportunities relating to issues of child marriage and mutilation of female genitalia and their associated health risks.




We are working to support the UN Sustainability Development Goals

“some 800 million people remain without electricity while access to clean cooking fuels and technologies needs dedicated attention.”

“With rising greenhouse gas emissions, climate change is occurring at rates much faster than anticipated and its effects are clearly felt worldwide.”

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